Wednesday, February 18, 2015

2015-02-18 ... he'd felt a peace like he'd never felt before.

Hey Everyone,
This week was great.  We had a lot of exchanges, 3 this week, and they all went well.

Tuesday was Gerardo´s birthday so we went and ate salteñas on Monday.  He's doing well with church stuff.

Monday and Tuesday was Carnaval here.  Since I'm quite a ways outside of the city it wasn't as crazy as it was in Potosì.  We weren't allowed to go out and work during those 2 days but President gave us permission to go to the ward activities.  In the morning on Tuesday the High Priests had a soccer activity at the church and invited us.  That was fun.  The main activity was that afternoon for the whole ward and they played water games and had food.  Besides that we were just in our house and the pension.  I taught everyone how to play spoons while we were waiting for the food to be ready in the pension and that was fun too.
ward Carnaval activity
Last Monday I made funeral potatoes in the pension.  They turned out alright.  Maria Aquino came over with another friend and we ate them after we had a family home evening.
making funeral potatoes at the pension
Denilson called us on Wednesday and told us that he'd set up an appointment for us to go visit one of his friends, Cristian, on Friday.  He was supposed to go with us but called on Friday and said he wasn't going to be able to go.  I thought that it probably wasn't going to go very well because I'd met Cristian once before when I went to his house looking for his less-active older brother.  His brother wasn't there so I tried talking with him and he just told us "no" because he's Catholic.

Anyway, we knocked and he came out and we started talking.  He told us that Denilson´s been talking to him a lot about the church in their high school and that it sparked his interest.  We taught the Restoration and it was an awesome lesson.  He said he wanted to come to church and we went by to pick him up on Sunday morning.  He was ready and waiting.  On the way to the church I asked him if he'd prayed to know if what we'd taught was true.  He said he read the pamphlet several times and prayed and that he'd felt a peace like he'd never felt before.  I asked him if he thought that was God answering him and he said yes. I asked him how sure he was that this is the true church then and he says he's completely sure.  He'd never felt like he did that day when we'd first taught him and he had prayed and he says that everything we teach and that he reads just makes sense and feels right.  He is excited to be baptized on the 14th of March.
by my house
He came to the ward Carnaval activity yesterday and we got to talk a lot there.  He's 16 and a nice kid.  He wants to get his family to church and he said he'll work on convincing them this week.  I'm very excited for him.

Time is flying by.  I love being a missionary.  I love the gospel and am sure that living the gospel is the best way to live this life.

Have a great week everyone.
Elder Howlett

1 comment:

  1. Desenmascarado el acosador virtual de Andrés Trapiello

    En el 2004 apareció en el blog original de Arcadi Espada un personaje, Luchador de sumo anoréxico, que no tenía otra razón de ser que insultar al escritor Andrés Trapiello y a su familia. A ese nick siguieron otros nicks. Ogagla Euskaritarra, Ave subterránea y Crítico Constante, más otros nicks femeninos como Rapadita, Ex rapadita y Lola con los que se autoelogiaba.

    Detrás de todos esos nicks se encuentra Francisco Prieto Ortuño, Pancho Ortuño para los amigos y enemigos, de hobby pintor y de profesión acosador virtual.

    Su obsesión se propagó por otros blogs, escribiendo un libelo titulado Un supositorio para el merluzo de Trapiello, que por fortuna pasó sin pena ni gloria, porque como escritor Pancho Ortuño es casi tan malo como pintor.

    Ortuño está en tratamiento psiquiátrico desde hace 30 años. Por eso han tenido que alejarse de él hasta su mujer e hijos.

    Su ignominia llegó a cotas inalcanzables cuando, aprovechando la reciente muerte de Quico Rivas, dio a entender que detrás de su primer nick se escondía Quico Rivas. También intentó involucrar a Miguel Sánchez Ostiz y a Juan Manuel Bonet. Pero nadie le creyó porque su rencor siempre le ha delatado.

    Pintor fracasado, escritor copión autor de unos diarios de ínfima calidad y que no soporta ni el éxito ni el prestigio de Trapiello, caracterizado para la posteridad como el dueño de una barca marbellí con petroglifos, Pancho Ortuño encarna como nadie la figura del odiador profesional de toda la vida, pero trasladada a la época de Internet.

    Su farsa lunática ha llegado a extenderse a todos los que no lo secundaban. En el Nickjournal ha amenazado pegar tiros o hablar con el director de una institución extranjera para que eche de su trabajo al hereje.

    (Llevad este mensaje por todos los blogs que conozcáis.)

    ((Pancho Ortuño se ha aprovechado durante un lustro de la impunidad cibernética, pero cuando otros hacen lo mismo menciona rápidamente a sus abogados.))


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